Anyone can apply for housing.
As a potential tenant, your jobs are:
To fill out the application for housing as fully as possible
to update your application via phone or email once every 3 months. Failure to do this will result in your application lapsing from the active waitlist.
This allows the staff at DQCHS to do our job, which is to use that information to place you in all the applicable waitlists for the programs/housing in which you are eligible for, and to manage your position within that list.
The determinations for these are strictly the responsibility of DQCHS.
During the tenant screening process DQCHS appreciates candid and truthful communication with their prospective tenants.
DQCHS will NOT discuss their reasons for placing one household over another, as this would break the confidentiality of the other party.
Please fill out as much as the application as possible.
Please DO NOT attach any additional financial information to the application.
Please keep your application up-to-date by calling/emailing the office every three months.
NEW Please Fill out an Online Application for the BC Housing Provincial Registry , both are required to have a valid application filed with us.
We use the information you provide in your applications to us and the registry to determine your program eligibility, after that determination is made your application is placed in all appropriate waitlists.
All Information regarding waitlists is confidential, we will not discuss your application with anyone other than applicable references.
It is your responsibilty to keep your information up-to-date, if you don’t and your application lapses into the archived list, you will lose your spot in the active waitlist.
Things to consider if you become a tenant:
DQCHS maintains zero-tolerance for drugs and violence
You will be required to provide financial information yearly.
The size of the unit you are eligible for directly corresponds to the size of your family.
We require you to sign a Tenancy Agreement.
All our buildings have surveillance, you will be required to sign a release for this.
Refusal to coorperate with the above means you will not meet the eligiblilty requirements for tenancy.
IN-Office Visits
Unless your name appears in an application, or we have written consent from an applicant to speak with you, you will recieve no information regarding any application in the DQCHS database.
DQCHS Staff will treat you with respect and it is the expectation that we will recieve it in return.
Derogatory speech, yelling, racial slurs, profanity and threats will NOT be tolerated. Any use of these will result in your immediate removal from the property and/or end of communication.
We will discontinue service to anyone acting like this.
Subsidized Rent is when the Market Rent of a unit is paid via:
- a tenant contributing a portion of the rent, based on their income and family structure
-the other portion is being paid to the landlord through government-funded programs.
You will receive a Rent Subsidy in order to qualify to live with us, because of this you will be required to provide your subsidy funder with Income Verification through our offices.
At Minimum, this is Required ONCE yearly, However if may be done on a more frequent basis for the following reasons:
Change in Family Structure
Change in Income
Loss/Gain of Social Services ( ie. CPP, MSP, OAS or E.I.)
Child turning 19 yrs of age
You will be required to provide proof of ALL sources of personal income, bank statements and a summary of the previous years taxes. (exempt are all child based income sources)
Refusal to provide the requested income information, will result in making you ineligable to recieve a subsidy and that WILL mean you CANNOT become a tenant of DQCHS.